Yes, dogs and their owners can go through a honeymoon period just like couples do when at the beginning of their relationship everything seems deliriously perfect. The phenomenon is most commonly ...
Is it a Ferrari? A couch potato? Or maybe a mix between the two? Introducing the Greyhound, the dog breed known for its sleek, aerodynamic features and amazing speed, but only when it's absolutely ...
If you are planning to fly with your Pitbull, you may be wondering what airlines allow Pitbulls in 2024. There are less and less airlines nowadays willing to fly this dog breed, causing lots of ...
Everybody knows that dogs are blessed with a superior sense of smell, but have you ever wondered what makes your dog's nose so incredibly powerful? Sure, with roughly 300 million olfactory receptors ...
Hypoallergenic dogs have been all the rage for a while, but is there really such a thing as a truly hypoallergenic dog? Turns out, the answers can be as volatile as the stock market and will vary ...
Learning more about the pros and cons of a raw diet for dogs is important so dog owners can make an informed decision before starting a dog on a raw diet. Here's veterinarian Dr. Anna Cherry's guide ...
If your dog has cold paws, you may be wondering whether you should worry about it or not. Among humans, it's quite normal to have cold feet on cold winter days, but what about dogs? Discover 4 causes ...
If you're wondering at what age female dogs breed, you likely have some big projects in mind. Countless dog owners dream of their dogs having a litter and who doesn't love the pitter patter of small ...
A hackney gait is a special gait that is commonly seen in the hackney horse, a horse breed developed in Great Britain. Many dog lovers though may not know that there is a dog breed that has a hackney ...
Why do dogs move their leg when you pet them? It's as if your dog cannot control himself, you give your dog a nice belly rub and that dog leg goes in kicking motion as if it had a brain of its own, ...
If you're looking for the causes of high white blood cell count in dogs, most likely your dog's blood work has numbers that were off the charts. Discover several potential reasons for high levels of ...