Greenbelt Middle School, scheduled to go from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Saturday ...
McDermott is a Forest Rights resident and victim's rights advocate hoping to be Prince George's County's next county executive.
Two weeks ago, a teenage curfew went into effect at National Harbor. Now, many are calling the curfew effective and a ...
Drivers will see closures along a Prince George County roadway in early March as crews conduct emergency repairs.
A horrifying video has emerged of a Maryland substitute teacher fighting with a 13-year-old student. Now, the teacher is ...
The top public school boys basketball program in Prince George’s County, Md., which by any objective measure (or if you just ask me) is the best basketball county in the country, went 0-20 this season ...
Graduation rates are up at Prince George's County Public Schools across all student groups, the district reports.
Charges will be "forthcoming" against the homeowner, identified as Alfonzo Brown, who is currently in prison out of state, ...
Upended federal workers and contractors can get some answers, updates and resources at a “Public Servant Summit” in Prince ...