Based on the nostalgic toys of the 1980s, the animated series, written by Gavin Hignight ( Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012, ...
"Moana 2" is now available to rent or buy on streaming platforms including Prime Video, Apple TV and Fandango. "Moana 2" ...
Moana 2 may not have wowed critics quite as much as the original film did, but it’s unlikely that Walt Disney Animation is ...
Dwayne Johnson has been given a "quick" makeover by his daughters Jasmine, 9, and Tiana, 6. In an Instagram reel shared on ...
Do you know Dwayne Johnson and his family were once so broke that they couldn’t even afford a turkey during Thanksgiving?
Moana 2 is available to watch on digital from today, with places like Prime Video, YouTube, and AppleTV+ making the film ...
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has a raw and emotional message for fans – specifically his male audience.
In his career, Dwayne Johnson’s name and star power tends to overwhelm the characters he plays. Figures in features like San ...
Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson have been the subject of feud rumors dating back to the filming of 2017's 'The Fate of the ...
The actor is shown covered in makeup, stickers and jewelry in a video posted to his social media accounts Saturday.
"Moana 2," the blockbuster sequel to the beloved Disney hit, is now available to watch from home. Here’s how to stream the ...
Moana 2”—starring the voices of Auliʻi Cravalho and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson—is still in theaters, but soon it will be ...