Cameron Finnigan, 19, joined a satanic extremist group known as 764 in late 2023 and told one girl to hang herself “for me” on video so he could share it in the group’s online chat ...
In the United Kingdom, the Crown Prosecution Service recently secured a six-year prison term for 19-year-old Cameron Finnegan, who went by the handle “Acid,” for a raft of 764-related offenses ...
Cameron Finnigan, 19, from Horsham, West Sussex, joined a satanic extremist group in late 2023 and told one girl to kill herself "for me" on video so he could share it in the group's online chat, the ...
‚Ç£Cameron will remain a Cardiff player until the club see fit,‚Ç¥ Finnigan told ‚Ç£If I did envisage any sort of bid then naturally we would assume that we would ...