With the towering influence of classic science fiction movies like Metropolis, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and Star Wars, the ...
Astronomers say that the first rocky planet orbiting an extinct star called a "white dwarf" gives an idea of what the Earth ...
Historical markers were once just for American history. But many now claim aliens have visited earth from outer space — and ...
Harvard researchers Tim Lomas and Brendan Case, along with Michael Masters from Montana Technological University, have a new ...
The longstanding fascination with extraterrestrial life has taken a new turn with a recent study from Harvard University suggesting that alien beings could be living covertly alongside humans on Earth ...
The first rocky planet ever spotted orbiting a burned out star called a white dwarf offers a glimpse of what may be in store ...
Astronomers listened for radio signals emanating from planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system, but found no evidence of any ...
In a recent paper, a prominent philosopher argues that increased belief in alien visitation is fast becoming a widespread ...
An international team of astronomers reports the discovery of a new extrasolar world orbiting a nearby star known as HD 86728 ...
The red giant phase is pretty crazy. The star's outer atmosphere can expand to hundreds of times its initial size; some ...
If the movie follows the comic it is adapting, Schoenaerts will portray alien antagonist Krem of the Yellow Hills, with Milly ...
Such ancient or non-human beings could reside somewhere inside the Earth or under the oceans, they say.