Light is peeking through the dark clouds surrounding the aborted Lang Lebah gas development in Sarawak, Malaysia, with a provisional new timeline and a reduced project workscope taking shape.
In December, the company awarded the Front-End Engineering and Design (FEED) contract for new gas processing facilities at Bab Gas Cap to Worley Engineering. The FID is expected in 2026 as the new ...
Providing traditional and sustainability-related services across all sectors (energy, chemicals and resources) and markets (core, transitional and breakthrough).
Police said 66-year-old Worley J. Stafford was pushing a shopping cart on the roadway’s edge at 7:40 p.m. Before the wreck, police had removed him from private property along West Lee Highway where he ...
Worley, Davis earns all-state basketball recognition MULLINS, S.C. – The South Carolina Basketball Coaches Association announced two Marion County high school basketball players to the list of al… ...
The cake serves 6 to 8 people, and since it’s by Overjar, you know it’s going to be great. If you want to order the cake, Overjar has 8 dine-in and pickup locations across Kuwait, and they’re also ...
Previously I shared with you the contents of John C. Maxwell’s Book, “High Road Leadership: Bringing People Together in a World That Divides”. Let’s review the chapter topics. He further ...