While most Númenóreans perished, Elendil and his sons, Isildur and Anárion, led the Faithful to safety by sailing to ...
Shockingly, one conversation from The Lord of the Rings show The Rings of Power perfectly explains the Mortis Gods in a way ...
From noble warriors with destinies as kings to humble gardeners from the Shire, these Lord of the Rings character arcs are ...
Many of The Lord of the Rings' locations were created through the use of detailed models called bigatures, which helped the ...
These ten actors suffered serious injuries on set, showing that even the biggest stars aren't invincible. Their tales of woe ...
Gildor Inglorion was absent from Peter Jackson's film adaptations of The Lord of the Rings, but one scene from the extended ...
It’s difficult to imagine any other actor other than Sean Astin portraying the role of the loyal and brave Hobbit, Samwise ...
Return to Middle-earth with LEGO as they debut their new The Lord of the Rings set as they take fans to The Shire ...
Delving into the mythological roots and enduring legends that inspired Middle-earth, uncovering the rich cultural tapestry ...
Did you know that Will Smith could have played Neo in The Matrix, Jack Nicholson turned down the role of Michael Corleone in ...
Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings films omitted fascinating book characters like Tom Bombadil, Glorfindel, and Prince ...
We see the Palantíri a few times throughout The Lord of the Rings, but how many are there, and what are their whereabouts?