The latest findings suggest there may be an optimal range for rep duration, raising the question: Is the obsession with ...
For example, if you timed a bench press at 4-1-4 for 6 reps per set, you’d hit 54 seconds. You might need to lift slightly lighter than usual to achieve a longer set, but it also shouldn’t feel easy.
But if you feel like you can’t squeeze out an extra rep or lift any heavier, focusing on time under tension (TUT) in your training could help kickstart your progress. You’re now subscribed to ...
Tempo training is a highly effective way of building muscle. It allows you to manipulate the time under tension of the reps you execute, making the most out of different phases. Several studies ...
If you do not have access to dumbbells as heavy as you need, Samuel says to use pause reps. “You’ll get a ton of mileage out of these,” he says. “These increase your time under tension for ...