Whether you're dealing with a runny nose, cough or congestion, your mucus can help determine if it's a minor bother like a ...
Do not give OTC cough or cold medicines or decongestants to your child if they’re under 2 years old. Most children will fully recover from a sinus infection without antibiotics. Antibiotics are ...
When you have a cough, drinking hot beverages like tea can help relieve your symptoms naturally. Here are the best tea ...
Americans expect things to work. A car should start every time with a turn of the key or a push of a button. If the Internet goes down, they get upset. When an ATM doesn’t work, it’s an outrage. Why ...
But hidden at your pharmacy among the potpourri of cough drops and cold remedies, you can find a low-risk treatment that actually may help: nasal irrigation devices. Several small studies suggest ...
A chest cold results from the same virus as the common cold and usually presents as a runny nose, sinus infection ... often fade in a few days, but a cough can last for weeks as your bronchial ...
It's great for sinus problems. It's great for allergies. It's great for cough. It washes all the pollution out of your nose, the infection out of your nose, and whatever you're allergic to that ...