As Trump reshapes the federal landscape, housing voucher recipients, landlords, and administrators brace for funding cuts and ...
The Hot Springs Housing Authority can resume seeking landlords and tenants for roughly 100 housing choice vouchers that have been out of circulation since September.
A $5 billion pot of federal money set aside to help people on the verge of homelessness pay the rent is running out of cash — ...
Federal housing authorities announced that a COVID-era emergency housing voucher is running out of cash — and there’s no plan ...
Damakant Jayshi Wausau night shelter vendors must help unhoused individuals access services to move into permanent housing, ...
Older Americans face unique housing burdens that remain largely unaddressed by market providers, according to an Urban Institute report.
Westmoreland County Housing Authority officials said Tuesday they expect cuts in federal funding to have no immediate impact on local services. The authority receives about $24 million annually from ...
LAist took a deeper look at some of the highest-costing incidents of the last two fiscal years, including excessive use of ...
City comptroller candidates Mark Levine and Justin Brannan engaged in a Tuesday morning debate that played more as a tame ...
Fast Company's 2025 list of the 10 most innovative companies in retail includes Amazon, Constructor, J.Crew, Ikea, Perfect Corp., and more.
Parents can receive up to £500 (or £1,000 if their child is disabled) every three months, which means for every £8 paid into ...
Doubled the royalty and milestone portfolio to over 120 royalty assets with significant milestone potential through five transactions in 2024 Completed two whole company acquisitions to unlock shareho ...