The show transformed into a Hoda-palooza as "Today" hosts Al Roker, Craig Melvin, Carson Daly, Savannah Guthrie and Jenna ...
In the Jan. 8 episode of her "Making Space" podcast, Hoda shared that her friend Maria Shriver is one of those ... her TODAY co-anchor, Savannah Guthrie; and her "besties" Karen Swensen and ...
As part of her send-off, the program showed a retrospective of her time with “Today,” filled with memories from her co-anchors, including Savannah ... people like Maria Shriver and Simone ...
Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb re-created some of ... Former TODAY anchor Maria Shriver reflected on her relationship with Hoda Kotb, explaining how she supported Hoda while she considered leaving ...
Other in-person experiences included a surprise appearance from Olympian Simone Biles and Maria Shriver. The former thanked Kotb for her years as Team USA’s “Olympic Mom,” while Shriver ...
Today gave departing co-host a sendoff to Hoda Kotb, with tributes and messages that ran throughout the first two hours, and even the appearance of Kermit the Frog to sing “Rainbow Connection.” Kotb ...
As her “Today” family dubbed her final day, “It’s a Hoda-bration!” Hoda Kotb was fêted on Friday during her last day hosting “Today” after 17 years at the show. Kotb announced her departure in Sept.