Every home gym needs a focal point like a solid Smith machine, power rack, or cage. But what if you want less? If you’re ...
A major benefit of doing power cleans is right there in the name: gaining power. “The whole process of running is explosive,” ...
You can handle 20 to 30 percent more weight in the eccentric portion of a lift than the concentric, Escalante says. Taking ...
Surprisingly, studies have found little difference between muscle and strength gain between free weights and machines. No ...
Filipino children are exposed to a constant stream of ads promoting donuts, soft drinks, fried chicken, instant noodles, and ...
Hala Rambie, a sports scientist who defected to West Germany during the Cold War, found that fat loss could be accelerated by ...
“People get focused on the weight on the bar because of the term ‘load’ in progressive overload,” says Norton, but more reps is also a form of progressive overload. Adding more “hard sets,” or those ...
Oliver George has been a force in the fitness world for over four decades ... So I call myself a power bodybuilder. Okay? And with that I combine. I have a hybrid workout, so I will do certain ...
Ever since man first picked up heavy things and put them down again, the debate has endured: Is lifting lighter weights for high reps or heavier ... gains on the power rack is “progressive ...
Plyometrics help build power for faster running. Work your quads, glutes, and hamstrings with this short series of movements ...