High mortgage rates lead Arizonans to consider build-to-rent communities as a cost-effective housing alternative.
Landlord-Tenant—Rent Overcharge Claim—Discovery Allowed Beyond the Lookback Period Permitted—Indicia of Fraud Based Upon the ...
Tenants who WKBN spoke with said the Stonegate Place Apartments on Robert Avenue NW has been riddled with problems, including ...
Effortless Waste Management Solutions for Homes and Businesses in San Antonio SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS / ACCESS Newswire / March 25 ...
It's not always easy to find a place to live in Germany - but that doesn't mean that tenants have to put up with dodgy ...
Indiana ranks among the highest in the nation for foreclosure filings. Rising property taxes and homeowners insurance are ...
The landlord that evicted Frisch's from dozens of locations last year now wants $11.7M in unpaid rent. Could Frisch's ...
The commerce on 25 de Março Street, in downtown São Paulo, Brazil, is changing: From wholesale to both wholesale and retail, ...
"Could revolutionise the housing situation on these islands". Zero chance of the proposal being approved by the Balearic ...
Vitura (Paris:VTR) announces the signature of a lease for a fixed nine-year term on 15,500 sq.m of space at Rives de Bercy with BPCE Group, France's second largest banking group.
Taking parental leave to bond with a newborn child is a wonderful experience, but if you're applying for German citizenship, ...
House Bill 337 and House Bill 338 were both filed by Representative Charlie Miller (R). The bills would deannex three parcels ...