More than a quarter of our planet's natural "geomorphs" -- animals such as beavers and hippos that, collectively, can reshape ...
The great argus was named after the “hundred-eyed giant in Greek mythology ” because of the “intricate eye-like patterns on ...
Boaters on the Gulf Coast were treated to a rare sight out on the water — and now they are being urged to take extra ...
ASTANA – Kazakhstan has completed large-scale work on a unified database of rare and endangered animal species, Kazinform ...
Two rare animals in Florida died within days of each other from vehicle collisions in nearly back-to-back blows for the ...
Siamese crocodile, critically endangered, spotted in Thung Salaeng Luang National Park, highlighting biodiversity and ...
"It's a rare treat to sore eyes." Researchers stunned after spotting rare creature in remote mountain range: 'A species on ...
O ne-horned rhinoceroses are the subject of a new study of the differences in appearance, behavior, and evolutionary history ...
The “extraordinarily rare event” was captured on video by the aquarium team during a routine check of the Shark Valley exhibit, according to a March 13 news release from Sea L ...
In Australia's arid and semi-arid zones lives a highly elusive predator. It's small but fierce and feisty, with big eyes, ...
The Sumatran tiger, the rarest tiger species, is known for its unique physical traits, including close-set stripes and webbed ...
A female snow leopard with her three male cubs were captured in a single frame in Gilgit-Baltistan with the expert who caught them calling it an extraordinary event for snow leopards to ...