The analysis that likened it to the poll tax that contributed to the downfall of Margaret Thatcher was released today. The increase has “slowly recreated the issues that undid the poll tax ...
Glasgow's fierce opposition to the highly controversial poll tax saw the council rack up approximately £125 million of uncollected community charge debt to the UK Government.
Here’s a look at the life of Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1979 to 1990.Personal:Birth ...
The pubs boss has liked the policy, which has generated several high-profile protests since it was first announced, to the Margaret Thatcher’s Poll Tax which was introduced in 1990 and sped up ...
June 11, 1987 – The Conservative Party wins its third general election. 1989 – Thatcher introduces the poll tax, a charge levied on community residents rather than property. The unpopular tax ...
It was immediately denounced by Tommy Sheridan and others as a poll tax. It was nothing of the ... allowing Tommy Sheridan et al to claim that Mrs Thatcher was putting Scotland down.
Economist Lalitha Try noted that the poorest households are “spending almost as much on these bills as they pay in income tax. This terribly designed tax increasingly resembles the very thing it was ...