The WEST tokamak just broke the record for retaining hot fusion plasma, holding on to it for an unprecedented 22 minutes. WEST and other tokamaks are paving the way for ITER which, upon completion ...
Get Instant Summarized Text (Gist) Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from the sun, when colliding, can generate powerful geomagnetic storms, impacting Earth's magnetic field and causing disruptions to ...
Plasma physics is the study of a state of matter comprising charged particles. Plasmas are usually created by heating a gas until the electrons become detached from their parent atom or molecule ...
Bedside lights have a nebulous place in lamp taxonomy: Many good bedside lights could double as table lamps, desk lamps, or night lights; bedside lighting can also include wall-mounted sconces and ...
In this article we delve into the evidence for SAD lamps with the help of one of Which?'s expert scientific advisors, Ruby Gordon, along with insights from The Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCP) and ...
Motorcycle disc locks are often a cheap and easy way of adding at least one layer of security to your bike, especially when you’re parking away from your home. Security you can carry with you is ...
PS5 Disc Drive stock is actually looking pretty healthy in the US. PS Direct, Amazon, and Walmart all have the accessory on the shelves at regular MSRP - and this availability seems to be holding ...
External USB/Thunderbolt drives (aka direct-attached storage, or DAS) are a super-convenient way to quickly back up your important files, as well as store any data that you don’t need on your ...
Unlike a conventional disk-based hard drive, which stores data on a spinning platter or platters accessed by a moving magnetic head, an SSD uses a collection of flash cells—similar to the ones ...
Abstract: We analyse the stability of a thin plasma disc which is rotating around a compact astrophysical object and is embedded in the strong magnetic field of such a source. The aim of this study is ...