A historical hump day is in store for you, Pisces, and you won’t want to squander it. For the final time since 2012, your ruler, numinous Neptune, greets the Sun in your sign for their annual ...
Clean up on Aisle Libra? You have a complicated relationship with “stuff,” Libra, often forming an emotional connection to many cherished objets, yet you also need to honor your minimalist ...
Quick, Scorpio, check the cultural calendar in your area for midweek events—and if you can’t find any, organize something yourself: A craft night, jam session, spring vision-boarding or group ...
Wednesday, March 12 (AKA “the Day of Challenges”), could come with important lessons, but the thing about “lessons,” Leo, is that we never appreciate them until later, when we’ve ...
While it might be the middle of the workweek, try to keep your schedule as light as possible on Wednesday, March 19. You could find yourself in an extra-dreamy and chill mood thanks to the annual ...
Word of the week: Boundaries! (And if you need a runner-up, go with “closure.”) Wednesday, March 12 (AKA “the Day of Challenges”), could bring a status change in a certain relationship ...
All right, folks, it’s official: Eclipse season is upon us! No need to duck, let’s welcome it with a wee bit more enthusiasm. Eclipses are turning points, a bit like the universe’s way of propelling ...