Silence sleep distractions with these expert-recommended and editor-favorite sound machines that will become your new favorite bedside companions.
Sound plays a significant and often poignant part of skateboarders' relationship with their sport, a new study published in Sport in Society shows.
Researchers identified a neural fossil phenomenon, suggesting it's a remnant of our ancestors' ear-orienting system, crucial ...
A mechanism that activates specific muscles in our ears is a leftover from our evolutionary past, back when our ancestors depended more on their hearing for survival.
Random noise, such as background hubbub on a phone call, is usually thought of as unwanted interference. Now researchers at ...
The city of Raleigh and the raucous neighborhood of Glenwood South are trying to find a way for everyone to coexist.
People are exposed to more noise in the United States during special events like the Super Bowl, the Apple Hearing Study has ...
US President Donald Trump says that wind farms harm birds and whales. Scientists weigh wind power's impacts on wildlife against those of oil and gas.
With the advent of headphones, many students have come to depend on listening to music while studying, often without good ...
These everyday examples highlight how disruptive noise pollution can be and how important it is to prioritize acoustics. The ...
A proposed pickleball complex at the Tucker Recreation Center has sparked public debate and was the subject of a community ...
Officials in Kittery are calling on the Maine Turnpike Authority to conduct a noise study for the Interstate 95 corridor.