The Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal (OSFM) is reminding state residents to keep up with their smoke and carbon ...
Residents in Van Zandt County oppose the Amador Energy Storage project, raising issues about fire risks, environmental impact ...
While responding to 29% more fires annually in a city of roughly the same geographic size, the Winston-Salem Fire Department’s minimum per-shift staffing levels are half of those deployed by ...
As children, most оf us were likely taught "Stop, Drop, and Roll," however, there are numerous other steps you should take іf ever caught іn a fire situation.
According to the Boston Fire Historical Society official website, the first recorded fire in Boston occurred on March 16, ...
While FEMA asserts that house fires are more prevalent in the winter, the South Bend Fire Department requires further data ...
(“Arcing”—which can ignite nearby flammable substances—occurs when electrical energy jumps across a gap between conductors; ...
Firefighter Class 213 of the Mississippi State Fire Academy is making a difference and seventeen (17) members will graduate from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1001 Firefighter I-II ...
The National Fire Protection Association says heating equipment is a leading cause of home fires with an estimated average of ...
Having an initial strategy and plan is essential to the success of any incident. Michael Carter discusses Virginia Beach's ...
A fire which broke out at an under-construction BESS project in Essex last week was brought under control and handed back ...