India’s golden boy, Neeraj Chopra married Tennis player Himani Mor in an intimate ceremony and shocked fans. Let’s know ...
For their big day, the couple wore matching outfits. While Neeraj looked handsome in a white sherwani with a pink turban, Himani was stunning in a pink lehenga Himani’s athletic built and skills ...
Neeraj Chopra's net worth has soared from Rs 25 crore to Rs 37 crore, thanks to his Olympic success and lucrative ...
Neeraj Chopra and Himani Mor got married last week. Here's all you need to know about the wedding festivities and how the two met each other. Neeraj Chopra, the two-time Olympic medallist ...
Ace javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra tied knot with Himani Mor! The two-time Olympic medalist took to his social media handles to announce the happy news and shared a heartfelt post that read ...
Chopra arguably became one of the biggest athletes that India ever witnessed after sending his javelin to a record-shattering ...
Neeraj Chopra recently tied the knot with Himani Mor. The two time Olympic medallist took to his Instagram account to share photos of ‘happily ever after’. Neeraj Chopra shot to stardom in the ...
Neeraj Chopra, India's Olympic javelin thrower and double medallist, announced his marriage to Himani Mor, currently studying in the USA. The intimate ceremony took place in India, and the couple ...
Two-time Olympic medalist Neeraj Chopra got married to his long-time girlfriend, tennis player Himani Mor, in an intimate ceremony on January 19, 2025. The athlete, who has earned the titles of ...
Neeraj Chopra, the two-time Olympic medallist, has married tennis player Himani Mor in a private ceremony in India. Himani Mor, also from Haryana, is a tennis player and sports management student.