A project was developed to determine the barriers to NIHSS use by the nursing staff, to develop and implement a plan to improve the completion rate, and to evaluate progress as interventions were ...
The National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) is a well-validated, reliable scoring system for use specifically with stroke patients (Goldstein, Bertels, & Davis, 1989; Lyden et al., ...
Secondary outcomes included performance on a gait speed test, Barthel Index (BI), NIH Stroke Scale score (NIHSS), Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) MRI, resting state fMRI and ...
Demographic, clinical and radiological factors associated with lower EQ-5D utility score were age, randomisation outside of China, antithrombotic use, high baseline National Institutes of Health ...
Optimal thresholds for the overall most important variables to predict functional independence were (1) National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score ≤5 after 24 hours (area under the curve ...
Strokes are treatable, so it is important to be able to recognize a stroke so that you can get the right emergency treatment as quickly as possible. If you see or experience any of the following ...
The following is a summary of “Clinical and imaging risk factors for early neurological deterioration and long-term ...
Dr. Jeffrey S. Flier is professor of medicine and physiology at Harvard Medical School. Pierre Azoulay is an economist and professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management. Weaknesses in NIH’s 70 ...
Not to B-negative, but your blood type could offer a clue to your risk of having a stroke before 60. “The number of people with early strokes is rising,” said Dr. Steven J. Kittner, co ...
When my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer over Thanksgiving weekend, I took a crash course in relearning all about staging, treatment, management and prognosis. It’s an understatement to say ...
WASHINGTON — Days after retiring from the National Institutes of Health, the agency’s former director warned that two signature programs — an initiative to decipher how the brain works, and ...