Directed by Richard Donner and written by Chris Columbus from a story by Steven Spielberg (who also produced the film), “The ...
The creation of a “The Goonies” sequel is an idea that never says die, and as a result, there have been several false alarms. Here are a few of them: ComicBook reported that during the 20th ...
Still, it’s always funny when we hear it in The Goonies. In this case, it comes from both Mikey and Brand. It's unlikely not the first time they've said it to him, and it surely wont be the last.
Skeleton Crew Episode 6 opens with what is easily the show’s most blatant homage/rip-off of The Goonies, which is pretty impressive given Episode 5 was basically the moment Mikey finds One Eyed Willie ...
How devoted are fans of “The Goonies,” the 1985 adventure movie that filmed on location in Oregon? Well, let’s just put it this way. A very brief, very vague mention of a “Goonies ...
A new The Goonies movie is reportedly in the works at Warner Bros. According to Deadline, the studio is looking to shift its strategy to proven franchises and so has put a sequel to late Richard ...
Here’s how it works. It's exciting for many people, including The Goonies' cast, who has waited to see this happen for decades. As thrilled as I am, and I'm sure many others are, to potentially ...