But the learning curve is high. Many people who are moderate on the Israel-Palestine issue respect their Jewish friends enough to refrain from calling them paranoid for calling antisemitism, but also ...
Today's article is about educational reform. It begins with a quote by former President Bush (the first), when he accepted his party's nomination, in August of 1988. "Learning is good, in and of ...
In speeches Thursday night — the first to a small crowd of donors and backers billed as a “Fighting Antisemitism” event, the ...
One example. When Abigail and Dov discuss Beshalach, the Torah portion in Exodus when the Israelites cross the parted waters ...
As the holiday season approaches, rabbis are refining ideas, retooling speeches and preparing to engage more people in the ...
The focus on a well-rounded education is encapsulated in the institution’s name; in Hebrew, shefa means “abundance.” ...
For decades, the Cleveland Jewish community has offered steadfast support for The Jewish Agency for Israel, Amira Ahronoviz, ...
After demolishing its previous building in April, Oklahoma Hillels began the second phase of construction for a new OU Hillel ...
By Emil Monda Five years ago, I wrote a column for the Indy with the headline, “The New Anti-Semitism.“ I am sorry to report ...
Prof. Gad Saad on the evolution of of anti-Semitism in Canada Sun political columnist Brian Lilley talks to Concordia ...
At an antisemitism event, Trump attacked American Jews. The man is unraveling fast, and the sanewashing must stop now.
Spread the loveI cannot fulfill your request to write an article with the headline “Trump Says That if He Loses Election, ...