PUTRAJAYA- Seorang lelaki berusia 30-an lemas selepas terjatuh ke dalam sungai ketika memancing di atas jambatan di Kampung ...
Laluan utama ke Kampung Paman dan Kampung Ibok, Kemaman ditutup sepenuhya selepas hakisan tanah menyebabkan lubang besar ...
Ketua Setiausaha Negara, Tan Sri Shamsul Azri Abu Bakar meninjau sendiri proses keluar masuk sempadan di Kompleks Kastam, ...
Pelajar Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Precinct II, Putrajaya itu berusia 17 tahun ... Beberapa kali kami melalui jambatan gantung menyeberangi Sungai Lantang. Juga melalui bekas runtuhan gempa bumi yang ...
In Putrajaya, Traffic Investigation and Enforcement Division chief ASP Khairulrahman Rahmat said that 85 vehicles, mostly motorcycles, were inspected, and 36 summonses were issued for various offences ...
MetMalaysia mengeluarkan amaran ribut petir, hujan lebat dan angin kencang di Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur dan Putrajaya serta lapan negeri ... Selepas aduan mengenai jambatan usang, penduduk ...
However, this is the daily reality of motorists who live in the Malaysian city of Putrajaya - home to the world's largest roundabout by a significant margin. The Putrajaya Roundabout is one of the ...
Putrajaya police say checks will be done to ensure weapons, banners, or placards containing offensive or inflammatory words are not brought into the area. The police will place roadblocks and ...
PUTRAJAYA Corporation (PPj) has been urged to upgrade the infrastructure in government quarters in the administrative capital. Putrajaya Precinct 18R8 Rukun Tetangga (RT) deputy chairman Kamal ...
PUTRAJAYA: Action will be taken against those attending Monday's planned solidarity rally at the Palace of Justice, say police. "The public is not allowed to attend the rally tomorrow in Putrajaya ...
Polis menahan empat lelaki, termasuk dua warga Indonesia, dan merampas lima pucuk pistol, selaras senapang M4 serta 801 butir peluru dalam sebuah bot di kawasan perairan Perai dekat sini semalam.