It is therefore, of great historical significance that we are marking National Reconciliation Day 2013 by officially unveiling the 9 metre statue of Madiba, the man who encouraged us to look beyond ...
AfriForum today sent a PAIA application in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act (Act No. 2 of 2000) to the office of Supra Mahumapelo, Premier of the North West, over the erection of a ...
Then there is the controversial Zuma statue in Nigeria’s Imo State ... s importance came with the publication in December last year of the greatly anticipated Jacob Zuma Speaks: The Words of a ...
This is the ANC way and the only approach that Supra Mahumapelo knows. The people of the North West do not need a multi-million rand statue to Jacob Zuma, and we do not need so compromised an MP as ...
The erection of the statue of Nelson Mandela has changed the face of the union building as the paradox of the Apartheid historical monuments. South Africans and the whole world ha ...
And the worm turns, history has a way of coming for every generation eventually. 38/ There is in Nigeria today a giant statue of Jacob Zuma. Likewise, in Groot Marico. In the grand scheme of things, ...
I then quickly remembered that by the way we are not opposing the ANC we joined then, the ANC of Lawrence Phokanoke but the ANC of Martinus Van Schalvyk and Jacob Zuma. Mr President ... the fact that ...
Including the subsequent rulings by NCOP chairperson Thandi Modise, and the reaction by EFF MPs during their walkout (June 18 to 20) Address by Economic Freedom Fighter leader Julius Malema's speech ...
And we all laughed at Jacob Zuma’s interesting way with numbers ... has called for the arch-imperialist’s statue to be removed from its plinth at Oriel College in light of research that reveals the ...
A FAMOUS GROUSE THERE goes the decade. Ten years of famously grousing, mostly at the Mahogany Ridge, a fisherfolk dive in the far southern Cape Peninsula that is now an upmarket convenience store ...
The problem is not a statue, or a name, or the Guptas, or even a single political individual (Jacob Zuma) but the failure to create a modern, democratic polity which can hold its rulers to account.