Iran's rivalry with the United States has only become more dangerous as the Islamic state is poised on the brink of becoming a nuclear power.
"If not as the father of modern Iran or as a King, but if only as a simple soldier and servant of his country and his people, Reza Shah must have a marked grave in a location known to all Iranians ...
He had royal decrees from the Shah, he said, dismissing Mossadegh. As recently as a year ago, Teheran would have rung with the news; now it caused no stir. In northern Iran, at Ramsar on the ...
Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi – the son of the last Shah of Iran and heir to the Peacock Throne ... who studied the nonviolent ...
His Imperial Majesty, Reza Shah Pahlavi, Shah of Iran, ceremoniously hammered a golden spike into a railway tie last week. Later, excited Iranians in Teheran watched the first train to make the ...
Following a CIA-orchestrated coup in 1953 which ousted Iran's democratically-elected prime minister Mohammad Mossadegh, Shah Mohammad Reza ... Khomeini about the then King of Jordan Hussein ...
On April 30, 1980 six armed men stormed the Iranian embassy in London. They took 26 embassy staff and visitors hostage. A six ...
Movie"In 1971, the Shah of Iran, the self-proclaimed 'king of kings', celebrated 2,500 years of the Persian monarchy by throwing the greatest party in history." ...
The “Ancient Marvels” Facebook page is dedicated to interesting posts displaying human and natural artifacts from across ...
Caretaker Minister for Culture and National Heritage Jamal Shah says Pakistan wants to bolster cultural ties with Iran in diverse fields including arts, film, handicrafts, literature, heritage and ...
In a recorded address, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged Lebanese civilians to evacuate their homes ...