Arnar og Haukur voru á eyjunni fögru í janúar vegna fimmtugsafmælis Ásgeirs Kolbeinssonar. Þeir voru með hvítan blæjubíl á leigu og þurfti Haukur aðstoð við að bakka honum út úr bílskúr. Arnar var að ...
Stór hluti dagskrárinnar snéri að öryggis- og varnarmálum. Morgunblaðið hafði samband við Sigurð Hannesson, framkvæmdastjóra SI, sem sagði: „Við byggjum okkar lífskjör á að framleiða verðmæti og ...
Three young professionals in the culinary world from Sonoma, Napa and Mendocino brought home the gold and a $15,000 prize. A trio of young hospitality professionals from Sonoma, Mendocino and Napa ...
A California chef said "horrible stomach problems" led him to change his diet, find the kitchen and embrace the Make America Healthy Again movement. American Gravy restaurant group owner Andrew ...
I'm a chef who uses an air fryer for everything from breakfast to dinner. The compact countertop appliance offers an ideal way to make egg bites, potatoes, and cauliflower. I've also found simple ...
Top Chef is back for Season 22 starting on March 13, and a new rule is keeping things spicy in the kitchen this time around. An announcement for the season confirms that Kristen and the judges are ...
But now an Italian chef, Gero DiMaria, who is part owner and chef at Kucina Restaurant in Singapore, has shared his secret to making the "best bolognese you've ever had in your life in under 25 ...
Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson as Malcolm/Fisto, Jared Leto as Skeletor, Idris Elba as Duncan/Man-at-Arms, Sam C. Wilson as Trap Jaw, Hafthor Bjornsson as Goat Man, Kojo Attah as Tri-Klops ...
Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson talks about how his character Copperhead differs from the version fans know from the comics while chatting with THR at the 'Captain America: Brave New World' premiere.