A groundbreaking study reveals that exposure to nature can reduce pain by altering brain activity. Researchers found that ...
Summary: Viewing natural scenes can significantly reduce how people perceive pain, a new neuroimaging study has found.
The team discovered that the raw sensory signals the brain receives when something hurts were reduced when watching a carefully designed, high-quality, virtual nature scene. The study confirmed ...
It is well known to reduce feelings of anxiety as well, and the report serves as a reminder of how much good the great outdoors can do.
Screens shown to the participants displayed three different images: a nature scene, an urban scene and a control scene of a nondescript room. Their brains were then checked to see if there was a ...
Scans monitoring the brains of 49 people showed that pain was reduced in intensity when participants were shown videos of nature rather than a city or office scene. Participants were given minor ...
The nature scenes provoked decreased activity in a part of the brain involved in perceiving pain, called nociception. However other areas linked to regulating pain were not significantly affected.
Surprisingly, the differences were striking. Pain perception was much lower when they looked at nature scenes than when they looked at urban or indoor scenes. And this was not only mental ...
an urban scene and a nature scene. Participants were asked to immediately self-report ratings of experienced pain intensity and unpleasantness. When participants watched virtual nature scenes, they ...