Mental health tends to change over the course of the day, a new study shows. The findings suggest it may make more sense to ...
The English Longitudinal Study of Ageing tracked the wellbeing of just under 4,000 people aged 50 and older from 1998 ...
Although there are no reported cases of measles in Brazos County, Texas is experiencing its biggest outbreak in 30 years.
A new study tied eating at least 2 servings of yogurt per week to a lower risk of an aggressive type of colorectal cancer.
Women’s antidepressant use dropped by nearly half during pregnancy without a corresponding increase in psychotherapy use and ...
Perinatal mental health refers to a person's mental wellbeing during pregnancy, the postpartum period and first year after childbirth.A perinatal ...
Women firefighters who were diagnosed with anxiety or PTSD were more likely to have reduced anti-Müllerian hormone levels, ...
We want to understand how factors such as smoking, alcohol and exercise impact subsequent mental health, in particular depression, anxiety and wellbeing. We explore these questions using genetic ...
Grocery prices have risen across the country in recent years and Washingtonians are feeling the effects, according to a new study. The fifth edition of the Washington State Food Security Survey, a ...
New research to identify factors associated with improved outcomes for older adults recovering from hip fractures found a connection with mental health and psychological resilience. Published in the ...
Lead author Paola Zaninotto is a Professor of Medical and Social Statistics at UCL's Department of Epidemiology and Public Health ... It could also be that their mental well-being was impacted ...