The 2012 revisionist western, written and directed by Quentin Tarantino, follows a slave named Django who's determined to reunite with his wife after she was sold to the owner of the Candyland ...
Quentin’s last film came in 2019, with Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood – starring a string of the biggest names in the ...
He also founded the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, a nonprofit devoted to raising awareness of environmental issues. Given below is a list of movies DiCaprio has acted in: Leonardo DiCaprio has produce ...
The Oscar-winning actor struggled using racist language, it wasn't until Jackson intervened that the show continued ...
Samuel L. Jackson urged Leonardo DiCaprio to embrace the discomfort of his racially charged role, helping deliver one of “Django Unchained’s” most haunting performances.
Leonardo DiCaprio received immense backing from co-star Jamie Foxx and Samuel L. Jackson when he was facing a hard time ...
Jamie Foxx is opening up about how he and Samuel Jackson helped Leonardo DiCaprio with his dialogues containing slur words on ...
Jamie Foxx has recalled his Django Unchained co-star Leonardo DiCaprio being uncomfortable saying the N-word until Samuel L.
Foxx says he also gave the 'Titanic' actor some advice and told him, 'I’m not your friend. I’m not Jamie Foxx' ...
Jamie Foxx has reflected on his iconic stint in Django Unchained, sharing that Leonardo DiCaprio struggled with his character ...
Jamie Foxx revealed that Leonardo DiCaprio was uncomfortable saying racial slurs in 'Django Unchained', but co-star Samuel L Jackson made him ...
Samuel L. Jackson pushed Leonardo DiCaprio to say the racial slurs in the Django Unchained script when he was reluctant to do ...