Viewers angry that their favorites are dropping like flies may need reminding of what show it is they're watching.
Yellowjackets' guest star Joel McHale and director Jennifer Morrison discuss the 'frog orgy' moment and what went into ...
The Yellowjackets found people in the woods! They surely won't eat them right? ... Right? Meanwhile in the future, Shauna is ...
Yellowjackets' stars Sophie Thatcher and Steven Krueger, who play Natalie and Ben Scott, discuss filming Coach's death scene.
Both Travis and Lottie (Courtney Eaton)—the only two who remained behind ... Changing tactics, Taissa asks whether Natalie finds Ben’s departure right before the fire suspicious.
In the dead of night, Natalie — with a knife in hand — quietly sneaks toward ... and brings it to the party to eat. And then, Courtney Eaton and Sophie Nélisse were so sweet; they hosted ...
There’s a chilling shot of adult Misty staring at the body that suddenly shifts to teenage Misty (Samantha Hanratty) looking over a teenage Lottie (Courtney Eaton) on the slab. The moment shifts ...
On the left, in green shirts, the Alamogordo Public Land for Food team and, on the right, the leaders working on a housing revitalization project in nearby Roswell, New Mexico. (Courtesy of Courtney ...
Some of the most amusing and iconic characters in cinematic history happen to show up the least in their respective films.