In a significant crackdown, Churaibari police in Assam seized 22 cartons containing a total of 2,200 bottles of prohibited ...
MINNEAPOLIS — Progresso has announced the launch of a limited-edition chicken soup-flavored cough drop.
Licensed pharmacist Dr. Kati Forbes has taken to TikTok to share the essential meds she keeps in her own cabinet to combat ...
With an FDA ban on Red No. 3 underway, consumers may be seeking alternatives to the potentially harmful color additive.
Rates of response to PPIs were higher in patients with likely or inconclusive GERD vs unlikely GERD as determined by the COuGH RefluX score.
Scilex (SCLX) announced that it has entered into an amendment to its existing license agreement with Romeg Therapeutics, entered into in June ...
We should celebrate this step, but our efforts must continue,” Sen. Kristen Thompson said. “There are still a number of ...
What products can Red No. 3 be found in? The Food and Drug Administration is ordering food and drug makers to remove the dye ...
The Food and Drug Administration is ordering food and drug makers to remove a dye called Red 3 from the products U.S.
Chowdhury's first suggestion was to make some water warm, add salt and gargle it in the back of your throat. "This helps ...