The president had taken it upon himself to assert authority as to who is Jewish, and to say that Chuck Schumer, specifically, is not (the president also called Schumer Palestinian last summer and even ...
Dream Count is built around four Nigerian-born women, all living in or having recently departed from America, in spring 2020 ...
Universal Pictures announced that Maika Monroe is set to star in the film adaptation of Reminders of Him, based on Colleen ...
In “Changing My Mind,” the novelist Julian Barnes presents an argument for the joys of flexibility.
"The first few men who read it were like, 'This book is very sad,'" she says of 'Crush.' "Not a single woman has said that to ...
Dream Count is another bold, honest endeavour from Adichie to cut through hackneyed schema and really see people.
Lemebel’s writing was entirely focussed on those living on the farthest margins of society—people escaping the norms and seen as different.