Access to university resources and networking opportunities.
Samedi soir, l’animateur présente sur France 2 la 31e édition du concert événement durant lequel une quarantaine d’artistes ...
Police report an increase in violent crimes; false rumours about Switzerland's 'ban'' of a cancer treatment; and more news in ...
Social media posts that have circulated for months falsely claim not only that Switzerland has banned breast cancer ...
The University of Bern is currently the only Swiss university where Tibetan language courses can still be taken. These are to ...
Fly high above Switzerland’s stunning mountain landscapes and cities with this captivating drone footage. From the charming streets of Zurich and Bern to the iconic Swizz Alps, experience this Central ...
No surprise from the federal government: the newly elected Federal Councillor Martin Pfister takes over the defence ministry.
For every charming chalet-filled village, there’s a contemporary city center full of Michelin-starred cuisine and luxury ...
In 2024, more than 1 million cases of fare evasion were recorded in Switzerland, reported RTS. The number has more than ...
Si une majorité de sondés suisses voit encore des avantages aux accords avec l'Union européenne, l'ambivalence progresse selon le sondage gfs.bern.