Transform your drab garden into a colourful oasis with these beautiful winter flowers. It's easy to just abandon our once-green and vibrant back yard when winter comes. The trees are bare ...
The winter season means spending much more time indoors, which reduces the feel-good effects of being around Mother Nature.
These beautiful, winter-blooming flowers are mostly native to parts of Asia, though certain varieties can thrive in USDA hardiness zones 7 to 9. By growing and caring for camellia plants ...
The Snowdrop is a must-have for the garden, whether on the ground or in pots. Snowdrops will spread in time, so if a patch of ...
Poinsettias, with their vibrant red and green leaves, are a favorite during the winter months. They can help boost your mood Marigolds bloom in warm hues of yellow and orange. These flowers not ...
Forcing bulbs brings the beauty of spring flowers inside your home during the cold winter months ... resulting in beautiful indoor blooms during the dreary cold months. While not all bulbs ...
Sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus) will create a beautiful spring display — as long as you start sowing this plant in late winter or early spring. Sweet pea is an annual flower with a perfectly apt ...
To start a chaste tree from seed, collect and extract the seed from mature fruit in the fall. Plant it in a container filled ...
Gardening expert Tom Strowlger shares how to plant bulbs "in the green", including snowdrops, for a beautiful garden display in the coming weeks.