They were taken from us in the worst way. They loved Batman, so today, I wear this for them,’ British comedian Zach Margs ...
Scott Snyder is a prolific comic book writer for famous characters like Batman. He’s known for inventing entirely new comic book universes. He’s also a Long Island resident. WSHU’s Aidan Johnson got ...
The Twilight Children is set in a seaside town and the cast of characters includes his familiar mix of spunky kids and “complicated” adults. There are also government goons, a metaphysical siren, and ...
Bruce Wayne's childhood friend and one of Batman's greatest enemies return in the "H2SH" sequel, but fans can still dive into ...
Justice League star Gal Gadot has credited Zack Snyder with creating the DCEU's Wonder Woman and filmmaker Patty Jenkins has ...
Four Color Fantasies and Literacy Volunteers Area are encouraging area residents to judge books by their covers.
From the humble toilet paper-covered Mr Bump to the elaborate Wonka ensemble, with World Book Day just around the corner, ...
In the United States, over 25,000 children are currently held in juvenile ... This becomes noticeable right away when Batman is trying to save Spencer from the fire that acted as the cliffhanger ...
Every year on July 4, all district children between the ages of 12 and 18 are entered into a lottery, and one boy and one ...