Infant mortality rates are falling, but sleep-related deaths are on the rise. Discover the latest research and what parents can do to protect their babies. Category : Baby, Baby Health, Baby Sleep ...
The Safe Sleep Seven, developed by La Leche League International, are guidelines designed to make bed sharing safer for parents and babies. They include: no smoking, sobriety, breastfeeding baby, ...
Leanne Henshaw was in for a shock when she used the toilet one night and discovered she was in labour - despite claiming to have no pregnancy symptoms ...
When do babies start teething? Which teeth come first? How do you soothe your teething baby? These questions and more ...
A new study found that U.S. infant mortality rates overall are dropping, but that rates of sudden unexpected infant death may ...
After a blizzard, an empty Krispy Kreme parking lot might seem like an ideal spot to do doughnuts — but for Sha’Nya Bennett, it ended up being the perfect place to give birth. When Bennett went into ...
Near death experiences are the sorts of things that stick with us for the rest of our lives. Our mortality is a topic that is hard to ignore one way or another, but it’s even more “intense” if the ...
Marshall Medical Centers is thrilled to announce the highly anticipated revamp of its Baby Oh Baby! program, rolling out a comprehensive suite of initiatives designed to better serve new and ...
Ion Tigulea (pictured), 40, was 'deprived' of sleep after the arrival of his newborn and nodded off for up to eight seconds ...
In the 1950s, the American psychologist Harry Harlow provided a stark demonstration of the importance of a mother's touch. He famously - and ...
Tom Kember, 27, committed "an attack of monstrous evil with the worst possible consequences" on an eight-week-old baby ...
An estimated one in ten men experience depression during the year after the birth of their child but they are almost ...