"It's a big symbol for Aggies," Hendricks says. According to its website, the Aggie Ring represents “a tradition that is deep in symbolism. Every symbol represents values every Aggie should hold ...
For Dr. Rohn Hendricks, a beloved 70-year-old equine veterinarian, one such thing was an Aggie ring—a tradition revered by graduates of Texas A&M University. Nearly five decades after graduating ...
He wrote that he was in a hospital emergency room. “But I am most worried about my Aggie ring that is not in my belongings,” the poster wrote. “I am worried that it is on the road somewhere.
For Mikenzi Schulze, telecommunication media studies senior, this hard work was accompanied with her Aggie Ring being fully paid for by Charlie Mohr, Class of 1986, school board member and family ...
I never expected her to take it on herself to get me a ring,” Dr. Rohn Hendricks tells PEOPLE of student Abigail Lee's deed ...