Hayato Kawamura, a 38-year-old from Osaka, transformed his passion for real estate into a lucrative venture by purchasing and renovating 200 decayed houses. His rental business now earns around ...
Now it’s Italians who are snapping up the town’s abandoned homes. “Something weird happened with this third batch of auctioned homes; we thought more Americans would apply, so we were amazed ...
said DeSoto Police Department/Facebook An dog found in what police said was "notably poor condition" is expected to recover after being dumped by her owner and abandoned in a Texas alleyway.
The Northwestern asks readers to share their thoughts on the upcoming school district referendum on the April 1 ballot.
Council will vote on a resolution to approve $50K of interest earnings from the American Rescue Plan Act to fund repairs to ...
GRAND BLANC, Mich. (WNEM/Gray News) - A puppy is recovering after police say he was abandoned and spent days inside a porta-potty at a Michigan park. Police say a puppy, who is being called Hank ...
A marble statue of a woman, believed to be more than 2,000 years old, was found abandoned in a garbage bag near the Greek city of Thessaloniki, police said Wednesday. A resident discovered the 80 ...