Parents of Indian children had to camp outside the gates of the residential schools in order to visit their children. This photograph appeared in the 1895 annual report of the Department of Indian ...
This site provides access to the first set of detailed maps prepared by the Canadian government to show federal electoral boundaries. Most of the electoral districts described in this 1895 atlas are ...
This is one of Hime's photographs which accompanied Henry Youle Hind's official report to the Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada, and which was also included in the two-volume popular account of the ...
The Department of the Interior and travel companies with a vested interest in settling the Prairies sometimes joined forces to produce posters that promoted western immigration. The one shown here was ...
In order to fight off starvation at Red River, the colony's Governor, Miles Macdonnell, passed his Pemmican Proclamation (1814), which prohibited the export of provisions from the colony and declared ...
Napier's sketch of St. Boniface Cathedral captures its grandeur and hints at the influence it exerted over the Red River Settlement. One year after this drawing was completed, Humphrey Lloyd Hime ...
Napier was hired as an engineer on Hind's expedition to Red River. Trained as a topographical artist, he sketched a number of scenes while en route to Red River, as well as different winter activities ...
The trestle bridge at Lethbridge was completed by the Canadian Pacific Railway in 1909. Spanning 1.6 kilometres across the steep banks of the Oldman River at a maximum height of 314 feet, it is the ...
Hime was just 24 years old when he took this photograph of the Canadian expedition's encampment on the banks of the Red River. Born in Ireland, Hime came to Canada in 1854 and, two years later, joined ...
Armstrong was an artist, civil engineer, photographer, and draughtsman. He accompanied Colonel Garnet Wolseley during the Red River Expedition as its chief engineer. Many of his views of the Red River ...
The Library and Archives of Canada is embarking on a new project which features instructional material on Expo 67 available to Quebec teachers. The project is geared to students from the third year of ...
The expedition to Red River was a considerable feat for Canada's young militia. The expedition required more than a thousand boats and several hundred voyageurs to transport the 1,200 troops and their ...