A: A cold sore, also referred to as a fever blister or medical term herpes labialis, is a common sore most commonly noted around the mouth or lips due to the herpes simplex virus. Q: What causes a ...
An curved arrow pointing right. Dr. Melanie Grossman, a dermatologist based in New York City, explains what causes cold sores and how to prevent them. Follow BI Video: On Twitter More from Science ...
Once you start getting cold sores, however, the virus can cause outbreaks throughout your life. The frequency varies from person to person, Dr. Johnston said; some people get one cold sore a year ...
A nasal cold sore typically causes a burning sensation and blisters. Treatments like ointments and home remedies may help reduce symptoms. Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus.
However, not everyone who has HSV-1 gets cold sores. In fact most people who carry the virus aren’t actually aware of it because it causes them no symptoms at all. That’s because the herpes ...