About 650 light-years from here, in the constellation Aquarius, lies the planetary nebula Caldwell 63, commonly known as the ...
After tracking a puzzling X-ray signal from a dying star for decades, astronomers may have finally explained its source: The ...
Astronomers from Poland and Germany have performed photometric and spectroscopic observations of a blue variable object ...
A white dwarf, or dying star, caused the destruction of a Jupiter-sized planet that is only around 650 light years away from ...
Astronomers have detected mysterious X-ray signals coming from a nearby white dwarf star for more than 40 years. We may now know where they’re coming from – the death throes of a planet being ...
A team of astronomers has identified a new polar cataclysmic variable, a rare type of binary star system featuring a highly ...
The European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope has detected "a scar imprinted on the surface" of white dwarf star WD 0816-310. Credit: ESO ...
Astronomers discover a white dwarf in an 81-minute orbit, devouring its companion star. Its intense magnetic field, stellar outbursts, and gravitational waves reshape cosmic science.
"The diversity of ways that white dwarf stars can blow up is much greater than previously expected." There are a lot of ways for dead stars to blow their tops. Astronomers discovered this ...
The finale of a star’s life has enthralled scientists for years, yet questions continue to surround the explosions of white dwarf stars — the most common path that stars take during the later stages ...
Co-author Martin Guerrero from the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia told Phys.org that debris from the shattered planet ...
Exploding white dwarfs observed by the Palomar 48 inch telescope at the Palomar Observatory in California. | Credit: Mickael Rigault and the Palomar Observatory/Caltech. There are a lot of ways ...