‘For example, Ngāti Kawa/ Ngāti Rahiri iwi around the Waitangi River have received funding to improve its water quality, which regrettably is quite poor due to a lot of sediment and bacteria. They ...
It was Waitangi Day and they wanted to beat the holiday traffic back to Auckland. Rachael suggested a short detour on the way home; enough time for a quick dip at the “pretty” river spot which ...
The government's proposed new water delivery legislation over-rides Treaty of Waitangi settlement obligations and will be "problematic" for the ongoing protection of the Waikato River, according to ...
Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust chairman Leon Symes stands beside the Wairoa River. He says the degradation ... almost six years after the Waitangi Tribunal’s recommendation in 2019 to bring ...