DSP Raja Umar Khattab and DSP Farukh Younus have been directed to report to the CPO. It may be noted here that Raja Umar Khattab has been serving in the CTD for the past 15 years.
The provincial police department has notified the transfer of CTD Intelligence Deputy Superintendent Police (DSP) Raja Umar Khattab and SPU (CPEC) DSP Raja Farrukh Younus from their posts in light ...
UFC welterweight Gilbert Burns doesn't think Khabib Nurmagomedov handled things perfectly in the corner of his cousin, Umar, ...
Gilbert Burns has voiced sharp criticism of Khabib Nurmagomedov’s coaching performance during Umar Nurmagomedov’s first ...
In his latest article on Berita PAS titled "When DAP Interferes in Islamic Affairs", the veteran politician appeared to ...
Khabib Nurmagomedov has sent a message of positivity to Umar Nurmagomedov following his loss at UFC 311 last weekend.