OPINION: Last month marked the beginning of the political year, beginning with Waitangi Day. This placed ACT's Treaty Principles Bill front and ...
There is a legal principle of “misunderstanding”. If two parties completely misunderstand each other, then there is no “meeting of the minds” ( consensus ad idem ), which is essential for a valid ...
Massey is a Tiriti o Waitangi-led institution. Find out how we uphold the principles and values of te Tiriti and learn more about the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand.
The Treaty Principles Bill will "whitewash" the Crown and Māori partnership, and "elevate the oppression of my people", says the daughter of Joe Hawke, who led the Bastion Point land occupation.
The former ACT leader says the Tribunal is creating "endless numbers of grievances" and "I don't want to be part of it".
Why is the members-run not-for-profit that manages the .nz domain the target of a campaign against 'censorship'?
A controversy is brewing in New Zealand, as thousands of Kiwis recently took to the streets to protest a bill that would legally define the country's founding treaty — a change that opponents ...
The protests centre around mooted changes to the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi, which "enshrines principles of co-governance between Indigenous and non-Indigenous New Zealanders", said CNN. From our ...
A study of the Treaty of Waitangi background, texts, principles, and application to contemporary New Zealand. There is a particular focus on land, legislation, court decisions, social policies, the ...
In December 2023, Te Wehi Ratana abseiled from the roof of Te Papa and painted over a Treaty of Waitangi exhibition to read: “no. Her Majesty the Queen of England is the alien. A new play ...