Often, tonsillitis will go away by itself, but depending on the type of infection, you may need to take a course of prescription antibiotics. In conversation with USA TODAY, an expert breaks down ...
According to CNN, Katy Golden first had her tonsils taken out in 1983 at the age of five. Over forty years later, Golden’s ...
However, while many of us just assume the rare surgery means a total bye-bye, people have been left horrified after finding ...
In the US alone, around 300,000 children each year have their tonsils surgically removed to improve breathing while sleeping ...
Early-life infection burden is associated with an increased risk for later moderate-to-severe infections and systemic antibiotic treatments to age 10 or 13 years.
Tonsil cancer is a type of head and neck cancer. Head and neck cancers include cancers of the tongue; the back of the tongue, ...