The Three Sisters planting method is one of the most well-known and successful companion planting methods for corn, beans and squash. It was developed through Indigenous American agricultural ...
"It was something my native great great grandmother taught my grandmother, and she taught me." Gardener demonstrates ancient planting method with undeniable results: 'Grow more food with less space' ...
Some East Coast tribes such as the Iroquois and Cherokee referred to this combination of crops as the Three Sisters, planting the corn on small hills throughout the field, surrounded by beans ...
A classic example of this type of companion planting is the so-called “three sisters” planted together by Native Americans. Corn, pole beans, and squash were planted together, with corn providing ...
The three sisters refer to a traditional trio of plants grown by various Indigenous Peoples across North and Central America—corn, climbing beans and squash. When planted side by side these crops help ...