One of the robots on the magical island of Laputa currently resides at the Studio Ghibli Museum in Tokyo, but it should definitely be at the theme park. It would make a great addition to the park ...
Japanese animation giant Studio Ghibli has unveiled plans for a theme park to open in 2020. The 200-hectare site will be built in Nagoya city, in Aichi prefecture, said Governor Hideaki Omura on ...
NAGAKUTE, Aichi Prefecture--The final countdown for Studio Ghibli Inc. fans to visit a theme park centered around the studio's beloved anime films has begun, which will open here on Nov. 1.
His film Spirited Away won an Oscar for best animated feature in 2003. Take a trip on the Cat Bus: Studio Ghibli theme park prepares for visitors After his 2013 movie The Wind Rises, Miyazaki said ...
an open-air complex that contains Ghibli Park, the famed animation studio’s theme park. Toyota Motor Corp.’s low-speed electric six-seater APM will be re-designed to mimic the iconic creature ...