Scientists have captured stunning video of a dinner-plate-size sea spider crawling on the seafloor off the South Sandwich ...
I hate spiders. Be it in real life or up on the big screen, they freak the hell out of me, and even merely thinking about one crawling up my leg sends shivers down my spine. Because of this phobia ...
Researchers from the Schmidt Ocean Institute noticed the sea spider, the size of a dinner plate, about 2km beneath the icy surface waters of the South Sandwich Islands, a chain of volcanic islands ...
A nursery owner in West Sussex got quite the fright after the spider was found on a shipment of olives from Cordoba.
You're gonna get up out of your seat and move. I could chill down the room. Narrator: For example, let's take a look at one of the most famous and terrifying spider films of all time, "Arachnophobia." ...