In the strife around world events, we’ve forgotten the most important principle: We alone control our life experience.
The consequences of a contrasting admission of legacy and non-legacy students at Duke can be understood through the psychological concept of self-serving bias. According to the American ...
The self-serving bias is the tendency to attribute successes to one’s actions and attribute failures to external circumstances. Other common biases include the hindsight bias, the negativity ...
Self-serving bias: Doctors may have the tendency to prioritize their own interests rather than those of the patient. "Pharmaceutical and medical-device companies aggressively reward physicians who ...
Moon, Youngme. "Don't Blame the Computer: When Self-Disclosure Moderates the Self-Serving Bias." Journal of Consumer Psychology 13, nos. 1-2 (2003).
The self-serving bias is the tendency to attribute successes to one’s actions and attribute failures to external circumstances. Other common biases include the hindsight bias, the negativity ...